Design Build Advantages
Design/Build is the simplest and most cost-effective construction method because one firm manages the entire project from conception through completion. The owner contracts and works with a single company that takes total responsibility for every aspect of the project.
Using a design/bid/build method requires an owner to choose a designer to complete plans and specifications, after which the project is broadcast to general contractors for bid. Based on specified criteria, the General Contractor is then selected. This is not the best possible choice because it takes more time and can prevent essential interaction between the owner, designer and builder. It also requires the owner to enter into 2 separate contracts, one with a designer and another with a builder, which can sometimes lead to disagreements should problems arise.
Other issues that can arise from the design/bid/build method involve the designer spending weeks or months perfecting the design of the building. This can cause the construction estimate to end up over budget which will cost the owner time and money. Another unnecessary result is when the builder does follow the designer’s drawings and specifications to the letter, the results may still not comply with the owner’s objective.
Additional major benefits of Design/Build are value engineering and fast track construction. Value engineering weighs options regarding materials and methods against budget constraints. The idea is to judge the performance, upkeep, cost and longevity of each component to determine their long-term cost-effectiveness. Fast-track construction overlaps the design and construction phase so that while parts of the project are being designed other parts are under construction. This allows the construction process to be completed in the fastest possible time.